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The best time to fish is "Anytime you can get on the water". The worst day of fishing is much better than the best day at work. When fishing in freshwater best time to fish dawn and dusk, in the early morning, or at night, when it's cool, and when fish haven't been feeding all day. When fishing in saltwater, refer to the incoming tide table and fish 1 hour before high tide.
A combination of understanding the fish and the techniques used to catch them will help you to hook more fish to the end of your line. Better knowing and understanding of the fish that you are trying to catch will make you a more successful angler, whether you are fishing for trout on a river or surfing on the beach for a Striped Bass or trolling on the open water for Albacore.

Greg S., Bethlehem, PA, USA

Yesterday, April 28, fishing trip was unbelievable. Great sizes trouts. First time got 2 golden trouts. Interesting that, while using all the same glitter powerbait, both golden trouts I got on Akamachi rod only, while rest, rainbows, got on Matodai. First I use both tenkara rods for fly fishing, and than trolling, using powerbait. Finally I swith the level running line to monofilament line, attached float and start trolling using float and powerbait. Trolling worked great, both rods performed outstanding! April 29, 2022.
April, 2022, Greg Bethlehem, PA
April, 2022, Greg Bethlehem, PA
April, 2022, Greg Bethlehem, PA
April, 2022, Greg Bethlehem, PA

Mt Pocono, PA, USA

Testing KAMASU-3809 Tenkara rod, TAKASAGO-3307 tenkara rod, and SHIBASU-4214 tenkara rod. October 30, 2021.
October, 2021, Mt Pocono, PA
October, 2021, Mt Pocono, PA
October, 2021, Mt Pocono, PA
October, 2021, Mt Pocono, PA

Michail G, Zfat, Israel

September 2021. Fishing in Zfat, Israel with F1-35-2-6307 21ft Surf rod. Carp, White Amur.
September 2021, Zfat, Israel
September 2021, Zfat, Israel

Mt Pocono, PA, USA

Testing KASUGO-4509 Tenkara rod, MOTSUGO-3607 tenkara rod, and our favorite KAMASU-3809 tenkara rod. September, 2021.
September, 2021, Mt Pocono, PA
September, 2021, Mt Pocono, PA
September, 2021, Mt Pocono, PA
September, 2021, Mt Pocono, PA

Vlad A., Jerusalem, Israel

September 2021. Fishing in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, Lake Valhalla using NEO-LL32SC 12ft Daiwa Tenkara rod, LT-44-S-F Daiwa Tenkara rod, and C1-60-2-5410 12ft Spinning rod. Largemouth bass, Crappie, Chain Pickerel, Sunfish.
September 2021, East Stroudsburg, PA
September 2021, East Stroudsburg, PA
September 2021, East Stroudsburg, PA
September 2021, East Stroudsburg, PA

September 2021, East Stroudsburg, PA
September 2021, East Stroudsburg, PA
September 2021, East Stroudsburg, PA
September 2021, East Stroudsburg, PA

Nick T., Staten Island, NY, USA

August 2021. Going for Porgies. F1-95-2-5406 surf rod, F1-57-2-2708 surf rod, Net-H1-40-2-3408 landing net.
August 2021, Staten Island, NY
August 2021, Staten Island, NY
August 2021, Staten Island, NY

August 2021, Staten Island, NY
August 2021, Staten Island, NY
August 2021, Staten Island, NY

Slav A., Hollywood FL, USA

August 2021. Fishing in Hillcrest, Hollywood, Florida using A1-37-2-4515 pole rod, A1-80-2-3606 pole rod, SHIBASU-4515 Tenkara rod on a lake. Sunfish.
August 2021, Hollywood FL
August 2021, Hollywood FL
August 2021, Hollywood FL
August 2021, Hollywood FL

August 2021, Hollywood FL
August 2021, Hollywood FL
August 2021, Hollywood FL
August 2021, Hollywood FL

August 2021, Hollywood FL
August 2021, Hollywood FL
August 2021, Hollywood FL
August 2021, Hollywood FL