A combination of understanding the fish and the techniques used to catch them will help you to hook more fish to the end of your line. Better knowing and understanding of the fish that you are trying to catch will make you a more successful angler, whether you are fishing for trout on a river or surfing on the beach or trolling on the open water.
Freshwater Drum – (Aplodinotus grunniens) also known as sheepshead, croaker, thunder pumper, lake drum, grunt, bubbler, grinder, Sciaenidae family. It has range between the Rockies and the Appalachians southward through eastern Mexico to Guatemalas Rio Usumacinta system and northward through Manitoba, Canada, all the way to the Hudson Bay. It also occurs in some areas of Ontario, Quebec, and Saskatchewan.
Length: up to about 14 inches, although it may become quite large in rivers, Weight: 5-15 pounds, world record is 54 1/2 pounds, Coloring: Gray or silvery in turbid waters, bronze-colored in clearer waters. The head is somewhat darker than the rest of the body; the ventral portion of the fish is white. The pectoral and pelvic fins are white, but the rest of the fins are dusky. Though it is a fairly distinctive fish, its deep body, humped back, blunt snout and sub terminal mouth have led some to confuse it with the carp and the buffalos. It can be easily distinguished by its two dorsal fins and it’s rounded, rather than forked tail. Also, the first dorsal fin of the freshwater drum is composed of 8-9 spines and 29-32 rays.
Freshwater drum appear to be basically benthic, spending most of their time at or near the bottom. They feed primarily on fish, crayfish, and immature insects, often by rooting around in the substrate or moving rocks to dislodge their prey. The presence of heavy throat-teeth also allows them to consume mollusks to a certain extent.
Fishing Methods include Bait casting, Still fishing using Bait fish, minnows and nightcrawlers. Although a strong fighter, it is not generally highly regarded as either a sport or a food fish. The flesh is white with large, coarse flakes and its quality has been compared to that of the carp. Freshwater drum are good fighters and will take bait such as crayfish, minnows, and worms. In warm weather they move in schools to shallow waters to feed and possibly spawn. By winter their activity levels and feeding activity are sharply reduced.