The Tropical Gar fish identification, its habitats, characteristics, fishing methods.
Difference with Alligator gar is than they only have one line of teeth on the above jaw. It is characterized by its special ganoid scales.
A combination of understanding the fish and the techniques used to catch them will help you to hook more fish to the end of your line. Better knowing and understanding of the fish that you are trying to catch will make you a more successful angler, whether you are fishing for trout on a river or surfing on the beach or trolling on the open water.
The tropical gar, Atractosteus tropicus, is a fish found in freshwaters from southern Mexico to Costa Rica, reported to reach lengths of up to 1.5 m in the wild (albeit often much smaller in captivity). It occurs in Caribbean and Pacific drainages of southern Mexico and Central America.
The tropical gar looks very similar to the Longnose Gar in color and markings, but can be distinguished by its shorter, broader snout. Lateral line scales. Relatively broad snout compared to Lepisosteus species, narrowest snout compared to other Atractosteus species. Prominent second row of teeth in upper jaw. Body pattern highly variable; striations and blotches laterally, often spots towards posterior. Fins have striated pattern.
Tropical gar Inhabit backwaters and slow moving sections of rivers and lakes. Tropical gars are often found in the warm stagnant waters of lowland areas. They are sometimes visible on the surface of the water and resemble floating logs. Tropical gars are found in natural wetlands in South America, freshwater rivers, streams, and near-shore lacustrine environments, but will occasionally enter brackish water. The tropical gar's diet consists mainly of cichlids and other fish.
Tropical gar reaches sexual maturity at about 14 in (36 cm) total length. Enters shallow lakes at beginning of dry season, spawning as rains cause flooding. Large schools form to lay eggs in a large gelatinous mass. They enter shallow lakes at the beginning of the dry season to spawn and are also known to reproduce in June and July when rains are heaviest and rivers flood, increasing the littoral area and providing an ideal spawning habitat of flooded vegetation. Large schools of tropical gar cast thousands of eggs in shallow water areas. The eggs are laid in a gelatinous mass. Adults return to the river leaving the fry amongst the flooded vegetation. The eggs were once thought to be poisonous to eat
Fishing Methods.
Bait casting, Bow fishing using bait fish. Whole mullet is preferred bait, and many believe in scaling the bait before using it. Because of its huge size and great strength, the alligator gar is popular with anglers. Obviously, it is not a fish that is easily caught, as its sharp teeth will cut most lines in an instant.
Gar fishing may be quite an exciting and enjoyable sport. Use large treble hooks attached to a steel leader. The leader is tied to the main line with a bobber usually attached above the leader. The best time of the year for fishing Gar is July through August. The hotter weather and the less rainfall, the better fishing is. Look for big bends in the river with a deep hole. It is even better if the water above and below the hole is shallow.