Tropical Flounder fish identification, Habitats, Fishing methods, fish characteristics
Tropical flounder (Paralichthys tropicus), also known as Cardeau tropical (French), Goishi-hirame (Japanese), Linguado or Solha (Portuguese), is a ray-finned saltwater fish from the family of Paralichthyidae, order flatfish (Pleuronectiformes), which occurs in a tropical climate in the west and the southwest Atlantic Ocean at depth up to 185 m below the surface. This fish with a compact shape body can reach a maximum length of 50 cm.
Tropical flounder, Paralichthys tropicus, are widely distributed in Western Central Atlantic, from Shoreline seas of the southern Caribbean from Colombia and Venezuela to Trinidad and Tobago. They found in South Brazil Shelf, Suriname, North Brazil Shelf, Guyana, East Brazil Shelf, Curaçao Island, Caribbean Sea, Colombia, Atlantic, Western Central and Southwest, Atlantic Ocean, Aruba.
Tropical flounder has oval, moderately elongate body (depth 2.1 to 2.3 in length). They have head (snout) moderately pointed and slightly concave of dorsal profile of the head. The eye diameter is 4.0 to 6.0 in head length. Distance between eyes about 1 ½ time the diameter of the eye. Their interorbital space is flat and narrow; it is much smaller than eye diameter. They have large and oblique mouth with maxilla extending posteriorly to vertical through posterior margin of lower eye or slightly beyond. Mouth has jaws with single series of canine-like uniserial teeth, the anterior ones enlarged. Dorsal-fin origin is slightly anterior to vertical through front edge of upper eye. Pectoral-fin tip nearly reaching to anterior end of straight portion of lateral line. Caudal fin is slightly double emarginated. Ocular-side lateral line is forming steep arch above pectoral fin. Pelvic fins are short-based, symmetrically placed, and sub equal.
Key characters
Numerous rounded, non-ocellated eyes sized dark spots on head, body and fins, along with numerous smaller dark and smaller pale spots.
69-73 to 80 Dorsal Fin soft rays.
55-57 to 64 Anal soft rays.
10 to 12 (usually 11) pectoral-fin rays on eyed side.
10-13 gill rakers (2 or 3 + 10 to 13) on the Lower limb of first gill arch
95 to 98 cycloid scales on lateral line, 10 + 26 Vertebrae.
Maximum size 16 in (50 cm); common size 6 - 12 in (30 cm).
Tropical flounders are brown to gray color with numerous diffuse, rounded, non-ocellated dark spots (about as large as eyes) on head, body and fins, scattered over entire side, along with numerous smaller dark and smaller pale spots. They can rapid adaptive camouflage. When moving from one bottom location to another, they can change body patterns within seconds to match their new surroundings. Tropical flounder is similar to
Southern Flounder in general body coloration on eyed and blind sides.
Found over muddy and sandy bottoms from inshore waters to depths of 183 m. Inhabit sand flats and rocky gravel strewn areas. When moving, glide over bottom with wave-like motion. Remain still when approached, relying on camouflage.
Tropical flounder Usually caught with bottom trawls; occasionally with beach seines, hand lines, and spears.