Carrying Bag Bfishing-120

For air travel, you're much better off with a rod case. Bag is very comfortable to carry through airports. You can put rods and reels, fly boxes, tools, camera and a couple of pairs of shorts along with some medication and sun block. You can carry it on the plane and every where you go. When you get to a distant destination you can go fishing even if your checked bags get lost.
Rod case allows quick access and safe storage. Use as a carry-on for that long planned trip to distant water or store in the car to wet a quick line at that sweet bends in the river. You can rig up the night before and break down the rod and put it in the carrier. When your jet boat or plane lands at the fishing spot you are ready to go in no time. The other people will be wasting a lot of time rigging up. First one on the river gets his choice of spots.
Travel fishing rod carrying bag designed for rods that is about 47" long or so, that would be a good size for a landing net, umbrella, rod holders and any other fishing accessories with collapsible length up to 47" long.