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Best fishing technics for Bait Casting, Spin Casting, Fly Fishing.

In every casting technique you always use your wrist, never your arm and shoulder. Stay as close to the water as possible for consistent accuracy. Try to make the bait or lure land on the water as quite as possible. Use a high quality rod and reel always matched to the weight of the lure. Rods with a stiff blank but reasonably fast and flexible tip are easier to cast than very stiff or consistently limber rods. When is windy, you need to put some pressure on the line just before the lure contact the bottom. This will straighten out the line. When you lower the lure a few inches below the rod tip it gives you an extra force for the cast. Always start casting to bend the rod tip backward on the back-cast, and then whip the rod forward efficiently. The importance of accurate casting cannot be overstated. To effectively load the rod we must begin the cast slowly, then accelerate and reach maximum speed just before we stop the rod. If we begin the cast too fast the lure will also move too fast and, therefore, not fully pull on the rod. To use all the power stored in a loaded rod, we must abruptly stop the rod without lowering the tip from the target line. lure will move in the direction the rod tip moved just before it was stopped.

Bait Casting

Hold the rod and aim at your target with the tip a little over eye level. Keep your wrist and forearm straight, and to stop the reel from turning with your thumb. Start to raise the rod by moving your forearm towards your body with smooth motion, getting faster and faster as you go. Stop moving your arm backwards as soon as the rod gets to a vertical point. This hasty stop will bend the rod putting some pressure on the tip. Now when the rod wants to returns to its neutral position with some power, you start the forward motion, adding a downward wrist motion to increase power. At about a 45 degree angle from the water release the reel and stop moving the rod. Now the power you made with the cast will discharge the bait to the target. If necessarily you can increase the pressure to slow down your bait.

Types of Casts

Overhand - Your target is toward the 3 o'clock position. Face the target straight. Keep your elbow next to your ribs as you lift the rod straight up. Move the rod sharply back to the 10 o'clock position, and then whip it forward with your wrist, releasing the lure at 11 o'clock. Use rod movement to control the cast.
Sidearm - Your target is toward the 3 o'clock position. Face the target straight. Hold the rod parallel to the water. Move the rod with your right hand at waist level sharply to the 7 o'clock position, and then whip it forward with your wrist, releasing the lure at 6 o'clock. Use rod movement to control the cast.
Underhand - Hold the rod at your waist level, at a 45-degree angle from the target, parallel to the water. Keep the bait 6 to 8 inches from the tip. Use only your wrist and in one quick, smooth motion, with the speeding at the end, "draw" a half-circle with the rod tip, releasing the bait as the rod reaches the bottom to the circle. Keep the tip pointed down and raise it if you want to provide an extra distance and bait control.
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Spin Casting

Grab the corks of a spinning rod with your two fingers in front and two in back split around reel leg. Keep your thumb on the top of the handle, placed over your forefinger directly over the reel spool. Hold the rod in your arm close to your side, open the bait and press the line down with your forefinger to allow the lure is hanging about 6 to 10 inches from the rod tip. Quickly lift the rod, pulling the tip back over your shoulder. Stop moving the rod when it reaches a vertical point. As the lure pulls hard against the rod the rod bends. Start the forward motion with your wrist, and release the line from your forefinger as you pass the 11 o'clock position to allow the weight of the lure to draw the line. At this point, the pickup mechanism located at the bottom of the reel, your forefinger holding the line. Do not press the line to the rod grip, but hold it on the ball of your forefinger; the weight of the lure will create enough tension to keep the line tight. Pause with the rod in alignment with the retrieving line until your bait or lure hits the surface. In accuracy work you can slow down the cast by feathering the line with your forefinger. By using the forearm together with wrist action, you can get maximum accuracy and the utmost distance.
    When casting a spinning rod we often add slack by not holding the line with enough pressure. Or even worse, just before we suddenly stop the rod, our index finger often too early releases the line and the lure sails high and off to the right. To avoid this, place two fingers in front of the reel stem and two behind. Pickup the line with the right index finger, then move hand back so that only one index finger is in front of the stem. Next, pull the line up and back and gently press fingertip against the stem, but not the line.
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How to Cast With a Surf Rod

1.Begin by tying a 2 ounce sinker on the end of the line. Since this is just practice, don't bother with hooks or bait or any type of lure.
2.Reel in the line part way leaving about 2-3 feet of line from the end of the rod.
3.Hold the rod with both hands, with the right hand slightly above the reel and the left hand near the bottom of the rod.
4.Hold the line against the rod with your right index finger.
5.Flip the bail over using your left hand and then grab the rod again. The right index finger should hold the line in place so it doesn't come off the reel.
6.Stand sideways at the edge of the water with your left foot forward and closer to the water.
7.Hold the rod up vertically.
8.Dip the rod away from the water and swing the sinker up and away from the water.
9.Turn you body slightly to the right, away from the water, as you swing the sinker.
10.When the sinker and line swing close to horizontal, turn you body back towards the water.
11.Pull down with your left hand and push forward towards the water with your right hand.
12.Release the line from your right index finger as the rod swings forward towards the water.
13.Watch the sinker as it flies towards the water and keep the rod pointed in the same direction it was when you released the line.
14.When the sinker hits the water, flip the bail back down and reel it in.
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Fly Fishing

To have the loop in fly line as small as possible helps to decrease wind resistance and allows a longer cast while using less energy.
The roll cast - Aim your rod straight down at the water and raise it easily with a medium speed until it reaches point a little beyond the vertical. Pause until your line belly towards you, and make a powerful forward cast motion. Stop the rod in a fairly high position to create a small, tight rolling loop.
The back cast - Move your forearm towards your body to begin raise the rod. Start with smooth motions, getting faster and faster as you go. Stop moving your arm backwards as soon as the rod gets to a vertical point.This hasty stop will bend the rod putting power pressure on the tip. Now when the rod wants to returns to its neutral position with lifting power, you start the forward casting motion, releasing more line as fly moves towards the surface.
The forward cast - Pull the rod back over your shoulder. Cast the top of the rod forward to your target with one fluid motion. When the rod will be at a 45-degree angle from the water, release the line.
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Setting the hook

Every fish strike differently depending where you fish freshwater or saltwater, running water or still water, when you fish, what time of day or time of year. Some fish bite your bait, causing your line to tick or move. And some fish swallow the whole bait with the hook and rig all at once with one hit. When you feel a strike, set the hook by giving your rod a quick jerk backward and up. As soon as you have a fish on line, it will fight back and your line will follow the movements of the fish.
    In running water set the hook with just a quick wrist movement as soon as you feel anything different than current movements on the line. You can do it by moving both the line and the rod back and up. In still water set the hook as soon as feel bending the rod right after the line tightens. You can do it by raising the rod tip while holding tight on the line.
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Playing the fish

When a fish feels the hook, it fight back to get free. Each species of fish fights differently. It could jump, making a long run, and swim back against the line or into the rocks, weeds.
    In shallow water fish more likely jumping and behave more wildly than in deep water, where fish usually seek the bottom.
    If a fish makes a run for freedom don't try to reel in, just set the drag and keep the rod at about a 45-degree angle to the water and straight it at the fish. When the fish slows down gently pull the rod up and then reel down as you lower it, using a pumping motion. Small, smooth strokes will help keep the line tight and the fish calm. If it runs again don't let the fish rest, just repeat drag and smooth strokes. Every run is going to be shorter and slower. Start reeling as soon as drag stop working. Lead it into increasingly shallower water and slowly but surely retrieve the fish onto the beach with an incoming wave.
    The same technic could be used for the shore fishing from the beach or fishing from the boat. If the fish goes under the boat, put your rod tip in the water and follow it. If you can't see the fish, you will feel it. Just wait when it's tired and land fish with a net. Place the net in the water and lead the fish into the net head first.
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