Bass recipes for Baked, Simmered, Fried, Broiled, Poached, Smoked and Grilled bass
The black bass is native to North America only, they are distributed throughout a large area east of the Rocky Mountains in North America, from the Hudson Bay basin in Canada to northeastern Mexico including California. Several species, notably the largemouth and smallmouth basses, have been very widely introduced throughout the world, and are now considered cosmopolitan. Black bass of all species are highly sought-after game fish and bass fishing is an extremely popular sport throughout the bass's native range. These fish are well known as strong fighters, and their meat is eaten, being quite edible and firm, though catch-and-release fishing is becoming more popular in order to preserve fish populations.
The name bass was first used for members of that family, and for members of the present family because of their resemblance to the original bass family. In the smallmouth bass, the maxillary, or upper jaw bone extends to a point between the middle of the pupil and the back of the eye but, in the largemouth bass, the maxillary extends well beyond the back of the eye. The smallmouth has 68 to 81 scales in the lateral line and the largemouth has 58 to 69. In the small mouth, the markings are in the form of dark, bronze-colored vertical bands, but in the largemouth there is a dark, horizontal stripe along the side.
FreshWater Bass recipes:
Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass

The black bass family of the sunfish species includes the
Rock and Bartram’s.
Largemouth bass is one of the most sought after game fish in North America. It is a wonderful fish to prepare, bery easy and extremely versatile. The flavor is mild and firm with a taste much like crappie or bluegill. Nothing tastes better than a fresh caught bass, cooked to perfection.
Best Cooking:
Baked, Fried, Grilled Oven-Broiled or Sauteed - any method is great and very tasty. Cooking fillets with the skin keeps the moisture in and your filet from drying out. Large, thick, tender white meat fillets with no bones, they were dipped in buttermilk then in seasoned breadcrumbs, seared on the stove top and finished in the oven.
How to clean a Bass:
Place the largemouth bass on the cutting board lengthwise with its dorsal side facing away from you. Remove the scales by gently scraping from the fish's tail to its head with a fillet knife. Wash the scales away with cold water. Slice open the fish from its gill juncture to its rectum, maintaining the incision the entire way. The gill juncture on a largemouth bass is located at the top of its throat, in front of the dorsal fin. Clean the entire cavity - completely remove the fish's organs--heart, lungs, intestines and stomach. Wash out any remaining blood or tissue.
How to fillet Bass:
1. Lay fish on its back and cut cross ways below belly fins. Cut across the fish just behind the gills, from one side to the other up to the center bones. Turn fish on side and run knife horizontally and cut towards tail, cutting through rib bones to the tail, approximately 1/2-inch to the tail fin. Flip fish over and do the same thing on other side. Filleting is easier if the side of meat is still attached to the fish. Flip fillet away from the head and toward the tail. Hold the tail section with your free hand, to hold the fish in place and position your knife where the meat begins by the tail. Gently slide your knife between the meat and the skin, working your way towards the tail juncture. The skin should peel away from the meat, as you slide your knife through the fish. If neceserally remove the ribs. Most of the rib bones you can just pull out with your fingers but some of the smaller ones you might want to use your knife and cut them out. You can leave the ribs in because they are much easier to get out once the filet has been cooked.
Freezing and cold storage:
Fresh bass should be frozen as soon as possible, better within 12 hours of being caught. The quicker the fish is frozen, the better quality is maintained and the longer the shelf life of the product. The bass should be dipped in a brine solution before freezing. Prepare the brine solution by mixing together 1/4 cup of salt with 2 pints of water. Dip the fish in the solution for about a minute and then drain. This will give the fish a firmer texture and prevent moisture loss on freezing. Glazed fish for the best quality, should be frozen for up to 6 months.
Nutrition Value:
Freshwater Bass meat has relatively high protein levels and extremely high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids helps to reduces the risks of heart attacks, makes the blood flow easier through the body, reducing blood pressure.
Nutritional Information per 3 oz row bass: Calories 97, Calories from Fat 28, Total Fat 3g, Saturated Fat 1g, Polyunsaturated Fat 1g, Monounsaturated Fat 1g, Cholesterol 58mg, Sodium 60mg, Total Carbohydrates 0g, Protein 16g, Vitamin A 2%, Vitamin C 3%, Calcium 7%, Iron 7%, Niacin 5%, Pantothenic Acid 6%, Vitamin B6 5%, Vitamin B12 28%, Potassium 9%, Phosphorus 17%, Magnesium 6%, Zinc 4%.
Nutritional Information per 3 oz cooked, dry heat bass: Calories 124, Calories from Fat 36, Total Fat 4g, Saturated Fat 1g, Polyunsaturated Fat 1g, Monounsaturated Fat 2g, Cholesterol 74mg, Sodium 76mg, Total Carbohydrates 0g, Protein 21g, Vitamin A 2%, Vitamin C 3%, Calcium 9%, Iron 9%, Niacin 6%, Pantothenic Acid 7%, Vitamin B6 6%, Vitamin B12 33%, Potassium 11%, Phosphorus 22%, Magnesium 8%, Zinc 5%.
Largemouth bass is one of the most sought after game fish in North America. It is a wonderful fish to prepare, bery easy and extremely versatile. Nothing tastes better than a fresh caught bass, cooked to perfection.
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