Chilean Sea Bass recipes for Baked, Simmered, Fried, Broiled, Poached, and Smoked Sea Bass
Chilean Sea Bass, The Patagonian Toothfish is a large fish found in the cold, temperate waters (from 50 to 3850 m depth) of the Southern Atlantic, Southern Pacific, Indian, and Southern Oceans on seamounts and continental shelves around most sub-Antarctic islands. Almost all of the Sea Bass is caught and frozen at sea on factory vessels (making for a very high quality fish). The fish is then shipped to commercial warehouses and redistributed to local seafood processors.
The meat of a Chilean Sea Bass is a pearly snow white which remains white upon cooking. Chilean Sea Bass has a very large flake and is very moist and tender. This fish has gained popularity throughout the cooking community and is one of the most sought after fish. They contain more fat than wild salmon and can be quite large. It’s a great fish for grilling because of its firmness and fat content, great for gentle poaching/steaming method. Patagonian toothfish is the most beautiful seafood. It is buttery in flavor, firm, yet gloriously tender and pulls apart with only the slightest effort. The flesh is somewhat like the best scallop. Often referred to as "the white gold" of the sea (its meat is almost pure white).
Chilean Sea Bass recipes:
Chilean Sea Bass, The Patagonian Toothfish

The Patagonian toothfish, Chilean Sea Bass, Dissostichus eleginoides, Family Nototheniidae (cod ice fishes), also known as Toothfish, Antarctic cod, Black hake, Antarctic blenny, Patagonian blenny, Icefish, Bacalao or Bacalao de profundidad (Chile), Austromerluza negra (Spain), Légine australe (France), Merluza negra (Argentina and Uruguay), Ookuchi or Mero (Japan), butterfish, is a fish found in the cold, temperate waters (between depths of 45 to 3850 m) of the Southern Atlantic, Southern Pacific, Indian, and Southern Oceans on seamounts and continental shelves around most sub-Antarctic islands, Southern Chile, Argentina, Falkland Islands, Shag Rocks, and South Georgia.
Despite its common English name, Chilean sea bass is unrelated to the true sea basses (many of which go by the name "grouper") nor to other saltwater basses like striped bass. Instead, it belongs to a family found only in the higher latitudes of the southern hemisphere. In ecological terms, it's almost identical to the sablefish or "black cod" of the north Pacific. Both are predatory fish of deep, cold waters, and both contain a lot of fat (about 16 percent, more than the fattiest wild salmon), and a lot of that fat is of the omega-3 unsaturated variety, a sort of natural antifreeze. Apart from a slight difference in texture -- Chilean sea bass meat forms larger flakes -- the two species can be used interchangeably in recipes.
Chilean sea bass produces good-sized fillets of white meat with a mild flavor, a pleasantly firm texture, and a high fat content that makes it almost impossible to overcook. It has remained relatively inexpensive, especially in the frozen form, and for much of the year it is also available fresh, by air freight.
Best Cooking:
Chilean Sea Bass is perfect for the grill, cooking up with large white flakes. Due to its high fat content, this tender white fish is nearly impossible to overcook and is best suited to dry-heat cooking methods such as broiling, grilling, and sautéing. Any number of sauces, spices, and herbs can enhance the mild, sweet flavor of this fish. Chilean sea bass offers you a truly unique taste experience that you’ll want to enjoy again and again.
Buying and Storing Tips:
Remember, the fishmonger's job is to sell fish. Trust is fine, but keep your eyes open.
Trust your senses, first of all smell: A fresh fish won't smell fishy.
Look at the scales. They should be bright, and colorful. If the fish looks dull it's old.
Touch the fish. It should feel firm, not soft, and your fingertip shouldn't leave an impression.
Nor should most fish feel or look slimy.
Storage: Store whole fish up to 2 days refrigerated.
Nutrition Value:
The large, white-flaked flesh contains no intramuscular bones. Amount Per Serving Size 7 ounces (1 large filet): Calories: 150, Fat Calories: 23, Total Fat: 2.6g, Saturated Fat: 0g, Total Carbohydrate 0g, Protein 24g, cholesterol 55mg, sodium 90mg, Omega-3 1.3g.
Chilean sea bass is well suited to dry-heat cooking methods such as broiling, grilling, and sauteing. One variation on the last technique that shows up a lot on restaurant menus is searing - cooking thick cuts in a hot skillet to crust the exterior and finishing them in a hot oven, where they cook by radiant heat as well as conducted heat from the skillet.
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