Perch recipes for Baked Perch, Simmered Perch, Fried Perch, Broiled Perch, Poached Perch, Smoked Perch
Perch are one of the most frequently caught fish and are quite tasty to eat. One of the finest flavored of all panfish, Perch Filets are known for their sweet, mild flavor. They can be fried, sautéed and baked and are often included in soups and chowders. Filleting a perch is a step that takes a little time, but makes your fish much more enjoyable to eat, small fillets taste the best.
Perch recipes:
Lake perch (Perca Flavescens),

The European perch (Perca fluviatilis), The Balkhash perch (Perca schrenkii), The Yellow perch (Perca flavescens), The Golden Perch (Macquaria ambigua), The Silver Perch (Bidyanus bidyanus), The Spangled Perch (Leiopotherapon unicolor),
yellow lake perch, or lake perch.
Other Names: Amerikanisher flussbarsch (German); perca americana (Portuguese); perca canadiense (Spanish); perche canadienne (French); persico dorato (Italian); yellow perch; zhelty okun (Russian). Percidae.
The general coloring tends to be brassy green to golden yellow on their sides and white to yellow on their belly. Their most distinguishing feature is 6 to 8 dark vertical bands found across their back and sides. The body is elongate and moderately compressed and their upper and lower jaws form the extreme anterior of the head. Their anal, pelvic, and pectoral fins are red to orange, with these colors being brightest in males during the spawning season. These fish are also characterized by having a dorsal fin that is completely divided into a spiny portion and a separate soft-rayed portion. Their anal fin features two long and slender spines. When the yellow perch is threatened, it will raise its spiny fins to inflict injury on the predator and protect itself.
Lake perch (Perca flavescens) are the best known of various spiny-finned freshwater fish found in North America and Europe, often called yellow perch. Perch support commercial fishery in Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, and Lake Huron and are a popular sport fish. In Europe, river perch are highly favored for their mild, delicate flavor and lean, firm flesh. The yellow perch is considered by many to be one of the finest eating freshwater fish.
Best Cooking:
Perch have a good taste but bony. Suitable for all methods of cooking. One of the best ways of eating perch is to barbecue it right after you cought it. Other methods are baking, poaching, grilling, boiling, stewing, frying, deep frying, braising or use in soups.
Small perch are usually best broiled or sauteed. Larger ones can be prepared in a variety of ways including poaching, steaming, baking and in soups and stews. The secret to successful perch cookery is to not overcook. Whichever of the following cooking methods you choose, your perch will be cooked when its flesh becomes opaque yet is still moist on the inside.
Buying and Storing Tips:
Quality perch is easy to recognize. Fresh perch never smells fishy, and the flesh will give slightly when you press it with a finger, then spring back into shape, it should feel firm, not soft. Look at the scales. They should be bright, and colorful. If the fish looks dull it's old. Check the gills. They should be bright red. When choosing perch fillets, whether they’re fresh or previously frozen, look for moist, translucent (never dried out) flesh. Nor should most fish feel or look slimy. Look the fish in the eyes. They should be clear and dark, as if it's looking back at you. No white at all.
To store perch, remove packaging, rinse fish under cold water, and pat dry with paper towels. Fish start smell fishy when it sits in its own juices, so place it on a cake rack in a shallow pan filled with crushed ice. Cover with cling wrap or foil and set in the coldest part of the refrigerator. Perch will store well this way for up to two days.
When well-wrapped, perch can be frozen for up to two months in a refrigerator freezer compartment and three to four months in a deep-freeze. Use lined freezer paper and wrap fish tightly from head to tail with at least two layers of paper. To thaw slowly, unwrap, place fish in a pan, cover, and leave for 24 hours in the refrigerator. To thaw more quickly, place the whole fish (enclosed in waterproof plastic) in a sink with cool running water, allowing about 30 minutes per pound (450 grams). For fastest thawing, use the defrost cycle of your microwave, allowing two to five minutes per pound (450g), with equal standing time in between zaps.
How to Fillet a Perch:
Scale the fish staring at the tail, run the dull side of your knife backwards along the fish. Scraping the fish in short strokes, taking care to remove all the scales.
Cut the fish behind the gills down to the backbone. Hold the knife towards the head at an angle to keep the most meat on the fillet. Slide your knife down along the fish’s spine all the way to the tail. Keep the knife as close to the backbone as possible to not waste any of the meat. To remove the skin, lay the fillet skin side down on the table and slide your knife between the meat and skin and work your knife back and forth until you reach the end of the fillet. Place your knife under the ribs attached to the fillet. Cut the ribs off by sliding your knife under them and cutting them out from top to bottom. Use pliers to remove any remaining rib bones.
Nutrition Value:
Perch, 1 cooked, dry heat fillet (1.6oz. / 46g.) Calories: 53.8 Protein: 11.4g Carbohydrate: 0.0g Total Fat: 1.045g Fiber: 0.0g Excellent source* of: Potassium (175mg), Selenium (27.75mcg), Vitamin B-12 (0.575mcg), Vitamin B-6 (0.135mg), Vitamin C (0.4mg) and Vitamin A (23 IU) Good source* of: Phosphorus (138.5mg), Selenium (27.75mcg), Magnesium (19.5mg)
When cooked (dry heat), Perch provides 447mg of Omega-3 fatty acids, derived from EPA (103mg), DHA (271mg), and ALA (73mg), per 100 grams perch and 6.4mg of Omega-6.
*Foods that are an "Excellent source" of a particular nutrient provide 20% or more of the Recommended Daily Value. Foods that are a "good source" of a particular nutrient provide between 10 and 20% of the Recommended Daily Value.
This food is low in Saturated Fat. It is also a good source of Selenium, and a very good source of Protein, Vitamin B12, Phosphorus and Manganese.
Substitutes for Perch:
Grows to 6-12 inches (15-30cm). Available all year except March and April - best in summer.
Perch are a popular freshwater fish. They are small striped fish found in lakes around the world. Anglers often fish for perch as they are numerous and very simple to catch.
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