Carp recipes for Baked Carp, Simmered Carp, Fried Carp, Broiled Carp, Poached Carp, Smoked Carp
Carp is a common name for various species of an oily freshwater fish of the
family Cyprinidae, often known as the carp family. Carp usually refers to several species such as
Common Carp (
Mirror Carp and Leather Carp),
Crucian Carp,
Grass Carp,
Silver Carp, and
Bighead Carp. This fish also known as carp, European carp, German carp, Chinese carp, Goldfish, Tench, Roach.
Carp is common on dinner tables in China. It's also used to make gefilte fish for the Jewish Passover meal. It's the traditional Christmas meal in the German, Polish and Czech Republic.
Carp recipes:
Carp (Cyprinus carpio)

The Common Carp has a deep, thick body, strongly arched to dorsal fin, flattened below. Grey to brassy green in colour with large, dark edged scales. Silver carp are deep-bodied, narrow fish with many long, thin gill-rakers, upturned mouths and no teeth. They are silvery in color that looks greenish near their upper sides. Their scales are small, thin and overlapping, and their eyes are positioned far forward and project downward. The grass carp or white amur, has a thick, elongated body with a broad, blunt head and a prominent upper lip that is visible from above. Its scales are a rich golden brown and form a cross-hatching pattern.
Carp meat is off-white in color, with a dark midlateral strip that's often removed before cooking. It is low in fat, firm in texture, and mild-though it can be muddy, especially the farm-raised variety - in flavor. The skin is edible but not particularly tasty. The flesh of the Common carp is dark and rich, Bighead carp have white and firm flesh. The Silver carp has a firm and white flesh, with free-floating bones, slightly translucent, and white and mild-tasting when cooked. Carp have intramuscular bones within the filet. In bigger fish the intramuscular bones are larger and less problematic. It's a good idea to remove the midlateral strip of darker flesh before cooking - it can infuse the meat with a strong, musky flavor. Male carp flesh turns dark when you fry it in oil, and is tougher. Female carp flesh stays light and is softer and more delicate, and is usually preferred.
Best Cooking:
Carp bakes, fries, and poaches nicely. It is the main ingredient in the Jewish dish "gefilte fish," and is popular in Asian cuisine (especially in Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai), extremely popular in European cuisine (Russian, Germany, Polish, Italian and so on...). The secret to successful carp cookery is to not overcook. Whichever of the following cooking methods you choose, your carp will be cooked when the flesh becomes opaque but is still moist on the inside.
Buying Tips:
Quality fresh carp never smells fishy, and the eyes should appear bright and clear, almost alive. The gills should be reddish, and the skin moist and with tightly adhering, shiny scales. Fresh carp flesh will give slightly when you press it with a finger, then springs back into shape. When choosing carp steaks or fillets, whether they’re fresh or previously frozen, look for moist, translucent (never dried out) flesh.
To store carp, remove packaging, rinse under cold water, and pat dry with paper towels. Fish smells fishy when it sits in its own juices, so place it in a shallow pan filled with crushed ice. Cover with cling wrap or foil and set in the coldest part of the refrigerator. Carp will store well this way for up to two days. When well wrapped, carp can be frozen for up to 2 months in a refrigerator freezer and for 3-4 months in a deep-freeze wrapped tightly from head to tail with at least two layers of paper.
To thaw slowly, unwrap the fish, place in pan, cover, and leave for 24 hours in the refrigerator. To thaw faster, place the whole fish (wrapped in a watertight bag) in a sink with cool running water.
How to clean a carp:
Because carp has large scales that are embedded in the skin, better to skin the fish. To remove skin, take a sharp knife and cut the skin off in strips, or dip fish in boiling water for 25 seconds, rub the skin off, and cool under running water.
To remove the head, cut through the flesh on both sides with a knife. If the fish is small, slice directly through the spine. For a larger fish, place the knife between vertebrae and tap the back of the knife with a hammer.
To make steaks, place the carp on its side. With a sharp knife, cut slices 3/4 to 1/2-inch (1.9 to 1.25cm) thick perpendicular to the spine. Tap the back of the blade with a wooden mallet to cut through the spine.
How to fillet a carp:
To fillet, use a sharp, thin knife. With the carp lying on its side, insert the knife behind the gills, and cut in an arc down to just above the backbone. Continue cutting parallel to the backbone toward the tail. Bring the knife up at the tail and remove the fillet.
Nutrition Value:
Carp, 1 cooked, dry heat fillet (6oz. / 170g.) Calories: 275 Protein: 38.9g Carbohydrate: 0.0g Total Fat: 12.2g Fiber: 0.0g Excellent source* of: Potassium (726mg), Selenium (27.5mcg), Vitamin B12 (2.5mcg), and Vitamin E (15.3 IU) Good source* of: Magnesium (64.6mg)
When cooked (dry heat), carp provides 0.797 grams of Omega-3 fatty acids derived from EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid ) (0.305g), DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) (0.146g), and ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid) (0.346g), per 100 grams of carp.
*Foods that are an "Excellent source" of a particular nutrient provide 20% or more of the Recommended Daily Value. Foods that are a "good source" of a particular nutrient provide between 10 and 20% of the Recommended Daily Value.
Substitutes for Carp:
Striped Bass, Blackfish (Tautog), Cod, Haddock,
Bigmouth Buffalo,
Freshwater Drum.
The mossy, earthy flavor sometimes evident in carp tends to be stronger in the warmer months carp harvested from November to April will have less of a river-bottom taste.
High intake of fish was associated with a decreased risk for Alzheimer’s disease.
Fish oil, which contains the beneficial fatty acids known as EPA and DHA, reduced chest pain as well as nitroglycerin, a common medication used to treat angina.
Oily fish may help to much lower risk of getting asthma, make a significant improvement of asthma symptoms.
Fish oil, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, lower the risk factors for atherosclerosis and heart disease (heart attack and stroke). Several trials report that eating fish decreases heart attack deaths and reduces the size of the heart injury.
Fish oil may reduce the amount of heart muscle damage from a heart attack and enhance the effect of blood-thinning medication. Eating fish has been reported to increase HDL cholesterol and is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease in most but not all studies. Fish contains very little saturated fat, and fish oil contains EPA and DHA, omega-3 fatty acids that appear to protect against heart disease.
The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are responsible for protection against cancers of the mouth, throat, stomach, colon, rectum, pancreas, lung, breast, and prostate. Fish oil supplementation appears to be a promising therapy for slowing weight loss in late-stage cancer patients.
EPA and DHA, the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and fish oil, have anti-inflammatory activity.
A high intake of omega-6 fatty acids relative to omega-3 fatty acids and an inadequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids have both been associated with increased levels of depression. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and fish oil, particularly DHA, are needed for normal nervous system function.
Eating fish may afford some protection from diabetes.
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