European Sea Bass recipes, Branzino recipes for Baked, Simmered, Fried, Broiled, Poached, and Smoked Sea Bass
The European seabass, Branzino is a member of the Moronidae family. The name Dicentrarchus derives from the presence of two dorsal fins. It has silver sides and a white belly. This sea bass, which reaches a maximum size of around 32 inches, is found in the Atlantic along the European coasts, in the Mediterranean and as far south as Senegal. They are one of the most prized of all Mediterranean fish and have always been expensive. This handsome and voracious fish is indeed very good eating.
They typically weigh 1 1/2 to 3 pounds and have a silvery skin much like striped bass without the stripes. They have firm, white, mild-flavored flesh without small bones and hold their shape well.
European Sea Bass recipes:
European Sea Bass, Branzino

European Sea Bass or Brazino is the preferred fish which has a white meat and can be served to its utmost taste to the customers. The fish can be served as fillets or as a boneless one are as a boned one. The tender and flakey white meat has a delicate flavor and can be used in a variety of dishes and its subtle flavor can be accented with numerous spices, herbs, fruits, and vegetables. If you like to bake or grill whole fish, the European sea bass is one of the best for this. The firm flesh also makes it great for soups and chowders.
They are belong to Moronidae family. Branzino is another name for European sea bass, which may also be called loup de mer, bar or spigola. In Turkey it's known as levrek, and in Greece it is called lavraki. Other Names: Bar, loup de mer (French); branzini, spigola (Italian); hata, suzuki-no-rui (Japanese); havabbor (Norwegian); lubina, robaliza, róbalo (Spanish); qarous (Tunisian); robalo (Portuguese); seebarsch, wolfsbarsch (German).
Sea bass is a very tasty fish, with relatively few, easy-to-remove bones and firm flesh that holds its shape when cooked. On the plate, branzino has mild, fairly firm white flesh. It's a much tastier fish when cooked on the bone whole and seasoned with herbes de Provence and lemon. A cooked branzino is one of the simplest fishes to bone out.
Best Cooking:
The European sea bass comes in a convenient size, around 2 to 3 pounds, so it can be served roasted whole on the bone, boned and stuffed, or in fillets.
Due to its high fat content, the best cooking methods such as grill, bake, stuff and bake, braise, poach, pan-fry, sauté, steam, or poach whole. Any number of sauces, spices, and herbs can enhance the mild, sweet flavor of this fish. European sea bass offers you a truly unique taste experience that you’ll want to enjoy again and again.
Buying and Storing Tips:
Remember, the fishmonger's job is to sell fish. Trust is fine, but keep your eyes open.
Trust your senses, first of all smell: A fresh fish won't smell fishy.
Look at the scales. They should be bright, and colorful. If the fish looks dull it's old.
Touch the fish. It should feel firm, not soft, and your fingertip shouldn't leave an impression.
Look the fish in the eyes. They should be clear and dark, as if it's looking back at you. No white at all.
Check the gills. They should be bright red.
Nor should most fish feel or look slimy.
Storage: Store whole fish up to 2 days refrigerated.
How To Fillet a European sea bass:
1. If your fish is not cleaned do so by slipping a sharp knife into the anus and cutting up towards the gills. Remove the intestines and rinse.
2. Lay the fish on its side and make a vertical (top to bottom of the fish) cut just under the pectoral fin.
3. Holding the fish by its head, cut horizontally from the vertical cut to the tail (the knife will be parallel to the fish's spine) to release the first fillet.
4. Flip the fish and cut the second fillet free.
5. Put the first fillet skin-side-down, press down on the tail end, and cut along the underside of the fillet to remove the skin.
6. If the fillet has a row of spines in it, remove it by making angled cuts above and below the row (you'll remove a notch of flesh that contains the spines).
7. Repeat the same with the other fillet.
Nutrition Value:
The white-flaked flesh contains no intramuscular bones. Amount Per Serving Size (1/2 lb whole Branzino): Calories: 133, Fat Calories: 72, Total Fat: 8g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Total Carbohydrate 1.5g, Protein 15g, Cholesterol 19mg, sodium 161mg. 100 mg of Omega 3 Fatty Acids per 100g serving.
It was suggested that it is the most preferred fish among the other. The fact being that it is very tasty. And also one of the most important factors being it has relative an easily removable bone, hence making it the most preferred one.
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