Sea Bass recipes for Baked, Simmered, Fried, Broiled, Poached, and Smoked Sea Bass
All Sea Basses are members of the sea bass family, Serranidae, and are found in tropical and warm temperate waters worldwide. Sea bass have a slender body, small scales, large mouth, and straight-edged or rounded tail. The spiny frontal section and the soft-rayed rear section of the dorsal fin are usually joined but may be separated by a notch. Species range from about 1 in. (3 cm) to 6 ft (1.8 m) long and may weigh 500 lbs (225 kg).
Sea Bass has medium-dense texture, light meat with a delicate mild-to-moderate flavor. Black sea bass can be substituted for other fish with similar taste, texture and size characteristics such as croaker, scup, sea trout, red snapper and grouper. The meat is is shiny white and translucent and has a unique taste. The tender and flakey white meat has a delicate flavor and can be used in a variety of dishes and its subtle flavor can be accented with numerous spices, herbs, fruits, and vegetables. If you like to bake or grill whole fish, the black sea bass is one of the best for this. The firm flesh also makes it great for soups and chowders.
Sea Bass recipes:
Sea Bass, Sea Bass family, Serranidae

There are many varieties of sea bass including Black Sea bass, White Sea bass, Giant Sea bass, Japanese Seabass, European Seabass. Most of them aren't members of the bass family.
Black Sea bass (family Serranidae), is a true bass, whose range is the eastern coast of the United States.
White Sea bass (family Sciaenidae), is a member of the Drum family, along the Pacific coast of the United States.
The Giant Sea bass (family Polyprionidae), is a member of the Grouper family, native to the northern Pacific Ocean and can weigh as much as 550 pounds.
Barramundi, Asian Seabass, a name for Lates calcarifer, whose range is the Indo-Pacific, from Australia to India.
Chilean Sea bass, (family Nototheniidae), a marketing term for the Patagonian toothfish.
European Seabass or Sea Dace (family Moronidae), also known as Mediterranean Seabass, Bronzini or Branzini.
Potato cod, also known as the potato bass or potato grouper (family Serranidae), a large reef fish found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Suzuki, Japanese seabass or Japanese seaperch, a name for Lateolabrax japonicus in the family Percichthyidae, a fish found in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese cuisines.
The sea-bass is known in various localities as black sea-bass, black will, black harry, hannahills, humpback, and also by names belonging rightly to other well-known fishes, as blackfish, bluefish, and rock-bass.
Best Cooking:
Sea bass can be found whole and in steaks or fillets. In general, the flesh is lean to moderately fat and is suitable for almost any method of cooking including baking, broiling, poaching and sautéing.
Buying and Storing Tips:
Remember, the fishmonger's job is to sell fish. Trust is fine, but keep your eyes open.
Trust your senses, first of all smell: A fresh fish won't smell fishy.
Look at the scales. They should be bright, and colorful. If the fish looks dull it's old.
Touch the fish. It should feel firm, not soft, and your fingertip shouldn't leave an impression.
Look the fish in the eyes. They should be clear and dark, as if it's looking back at you. No white at all.
Check the gills. They should be bright red.
Nor should most fish feel or look slimy.
Storage: Store whole fish up to 2 days refrigerated.
Nutrition Value:
The large, white-flaked flesh contains no intramuscular bones. Amount Per Serving Size: 100g/3.5oz.: Calories: 97, Fat Calories: 18, Total Fat: 2.0g, Saturated Fat: 0.5g, Cholesterol: 41mg, Sodium: 68mg, Protein: 18.4g, Omega-3: 0.7g.
Substitutes for Black Sea Bass:
Red Grouper,
Red Snapper,
Striped Bass
They are the most important species in the sport and commercial fisheries of the southeast coast of the USA and in the Gulf of Mexico. They are also very common in the recreational fishery. The meat generates a fairly high price and is considered very good quality. They could be caught with hook-and-line and in traps using Drifting, Still Fishing or Trolling and considered best sporting game quality of the Sea Basses.
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