Haddock recipes for Baked, Simmered, Fried, Broiled, Poached, Smoked and Grilled Haddock
Haddock recipes:
Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)

Also known as: Scrod or schrod (a market name used interchangeably for young haddock, cod, and sometimes pollock) finnan haddie (smoked haddock).
Haddock is a valuable North Atlantic food fish of the cod family, Gadidae, that is often smoked and sold as "Finnan Haddie". The haddock is a bottom dweller and a carnivore, feeding on invertebrates and some fishes. It resembles the cod and, like its relative, has a chin barbel and two anal and three dorsal fins. It is identified by a dark lateral line and a distinctive dark spot on each shoulder above the pectoral fin. Color is otherwise gray or brownish above, paler below. Most specimens weigh between 2 and 6 lbs and up to about 3 feet (90 cm) and 24.5 pounds (11 kg).
Waters: Eastern and Western North Atlantic.
haddock has mildly flavorful, moderate- to firm-textured flesh that is low in fat. The meat is lean and white. It is similar to cod in flavor and consistency, but it is less firm than cod and flakes beautifully when cooked. The meat is softer and does not respond as well to salting.
Best Cooking:
Lean and white, the meat is less firm than cod and flakes beautifully when cooked. Haddock is versatile, all-purpose fish and can be cooked in the same way as cod, grilled or baked, poached, sautée and roasting; it is very good deep-fried for fish and chips. A combination of haddock and smoked haddock is good for including in recipes such as fish pie, fish cakes, soups and bakes. Smoked haddock can be grilled or poached and can be included in pâtés, mousses, kedgeree and omelettes.
How to buy Haddock:
Whole char fish should look alive, with skin covered with clear, slippery slime, that is shiny and bright. Very fresh char should be so slippery they are difficult to hold. Fresh char never smells fishy, it smells fresh. The eyes should appear bright and clear, almost alive, the gills should be reddish. Fresh char flesh will give slightly when you press it with a finger, then spring back into shape.
Freshness of a haddock fillet can be determined by how well it holds together, as a fresh one will be firm; also, fillets should be translucent, while older fillets turn a chalky hue.
How to fillet Haddock:
Hold the fish at the head end with the hand and using a thin and flexible sharp knife cut in across the body of the fish at an angle just behind the gills until the spine and ribs are reached. Then flatten out the angle of the knife blade parallel to the board and slide the knife to cut along the body close against the spine and ribs until just about at the tail.
Turn the fish over and repeat for the other side.
Fillets should be stark white and fresh-smelling, unmarred and glistening, showing no signs of dryness or browing.
Freezing and cold storage:
Haddock should be bled, gutted and iced immediately after capture to retain their superior flavor. If they are iced in a large cooler the melt water should be drained occasionally so the fish do not soak in warming water. If they are iced in a boat fish box, remove the fish box's drain plug.
Nutrition Value:
Haddock is an excellent source of dietary protein. It also contains a good deal of vitamin B12, pyridoxine, and selenium, and a healthy balance of sodium and potassium, with very little fat.
Nutrition Value: Haddock, 1 fillet (6 oz.) (169.8g) (cooked, dry heat)
Calories: 189, Protein: 41.1g, Carbohydrate: 0.0g, Total Fat: 1.5g, Fiber: 0.0g
Excellent source of: Selenium (67.7mcg), Niacin (4.5mg), and Vitamin B12 (1.89mcg)
Good source of: Magnesium (75.6mg), and Potassium (439mg)
When cooked (dry heat), haddock provides 0.159 grams of omega-3 fatty acids derived from EPA (0.004g), DHA (0.154g), and ALA (0.001g) per 100 grams of fish.
Substitutes for Haddock:
Tautog / Blackfish,
Atlantic Cod, Pacific Cod,
Black Sea Bass,
Red Snapper, tilefish, turbot, wolffish.
As with cod, overfishing has depleted the haddock population. The fish is now harder to find and rather more expensive than it was in the past.
24 record(s)
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