Trout recipes, Baked, Simmered, Fried, Broiled, Poached, and Smoked trout
Trout is a member of freshwater and saltwater species belonging to the Salmonidae family. They are usually found in cool, clear streams and lakes, many of the species are anadromous. They are widely distributed throughout North America, northern Asia and Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
Rainbow trout has mild, delicate, and sweet flesh. Steelhead trout has pink flesh and a mild trout taste. Arctic char, another trout family fish, either dwells in lakes or lives in salt water, but spawns in fresh water. Whether wild-caught or farm raised, its flesh varies from pink to red, depending on the size. Wild-caught lake trout (also called togue or gray trout) has white or pink flesh with a higher oil content than other trout.
Trout recipes:
Trout, Salmonidae family

There are several varieties of trout, including
Rainbow Trout,
Brook Trout,
Brown Trout,
Lake Trout,
Bull Trout,
Cutthroat Trout,
Gila Trout,
Golden Trout and
Steelhead Trout. The most popular is Rainbow trout, known for the pinkish red stripe on its sides. The flesh of trout ranges from white to pink or orange in color and has a mildly rich taste and a tender, flaky texture. Trout is moderately lean and can be prepared by frying, broiling, grilling, or baking.
Trout is a great choice for a tasty, nutritious meal, with heart-healthy vitamins, minerals and high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, It is low in fat (a 1/3rd of the fat of salmon) and calories (just 135 cal per 100g), with high levels of protein, A and B vitamins, calcium, selenium and Omega-3. It is also quick and easy to cook, as well as being very versatile.
Trout is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are considered essential fatty acids, a good source of niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin B6, phosphorus and selenium, and a very good source of protein and vitamin B12, just 4 ounces of trout will also give 10% of the RDA for iron.
Omega-3 fatty acids lower the risk of developing heart disease and heart attack, it prevents blood clots, lower blood pressure, lower 'bad' cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, it may prevent colon cancer, it may help to prevent Rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin B12 involves in making DNA, the genetic material in all cells, it helps to maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells. Iron is required for the formation of hemoglobin and other enzymes, it may prevent cause of anemia, a medical condition in which the red blood cell count or hemoglobin is less than normal.
Best Cooking:
Trout, like all other fish and seafood, is best prepared as fresh as possible. Whole trout is great stuffed and baked. Marinating the trout in lemon juice, adding lemon juice, or using lemon pepper in the recipe helps eliminate the fishy flavor. Fillets can be pan-fried, poached, steamed, broiled, or grilled. But really the best is a smoked trout, which is a real delicacy.
Cooking Tips:
Do not scale the trout. If you remove the scales, you will also remove the thin coat of jelly around them, which allows you to bread the trout without using any type of liquid. Use very mild flavored oils so as not to overpower the delicate flavor of the trout. Do not overcook trout or it will become dry. Trout should be cooked quickly, at a temperature between 325 and 350°F. The 10-minute per inch rule is the way to cook fish by baking (400 to 425°F), grilling, broiling, poaching, and steaming. The fish is done cooking when it flakes easily with a fork.
Buying and Storing Tips:
Trust your senses, first of all smell: Fresh trout never smells fishy, it smells fresh.
Look at the scales. They should be bright, and colorful. If the fish looks dull it's old.
Touch the fish. Fresh trout flesh will give slightly when you press it with a finger, then spring back into shape.
Look the fish in the eyes. The eyes should appear bright and clear, almost alive.
Check the gills. The gills should be reddish, and the skin covered with clear, slippery slime.
Very fresh trout should be so slippery they are difficult to hold.
Storage: Rinse fish under cold water, and pat dry with paper towels. Place it on a crushed ice, cover with cling wrap or foil and set in the coldest part of the refrigerator. Store whole fish up to 2 days refrigerated. Well-wrapped, it can be frozen for up to 2 months in a refrigerator freezer compartment and up to 4 months in a deep-freeze.
How to fillet a Trout:
To fillet trout, put the fish lying on its side, insert the sharp, thin knife behind the gills, between the gills and the collarbone, and cut in an arc down to just above the back bone as close to the ribs as possible. Continue cutting parallel to the back bone toward the tail to the end of the ribs. Bring the knife up at the tail and remove the fillet. The fish have a few rib bones which can be cut out after filleting by making 2 cuts on each side in a "V" shape. Run the tip of your knife down the fillets to locate and remove any further pin bones that connected the muscle and the frame of the trout.
How to bone a Trout:
To bone, use scissors to snip off the pelvic fin (the forward belly fin) and cut off the dorsal fin (on the back) and anal fin (the rear belly fin) with scissors or sharp knife. Using a sharp knife, remove the head by cutting in a v-shape, towards the mouth, then open the belly cavity, remove the guts from the cavity, reach inside, and cut through the tiny ribs on each side of the backbone. Pull backbone free, scraping away flesh with a sharp knife. Then gently lift out ribs with a knife.
Nutrition Value:
Trout (farmed), 3 oz. (85g) (cooked, dry heat) Calories: 144, Protein: 20.6g, Carbohydrate: 0.0g, Total Fat: 6.1g, Fiber: 0.0g, Excellent source of: Niacin (7.5mg), and Vitamin B12 (4.2mcg), Good source of: Pantothenic acid (1.1mg), and Selenium (12.7mcg)
When cooked (dry heat), every 100 grams of wild Rainbow Trout, provides 1.175 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, derived from EPA - Eicosapentaenoic Acid (0.468g), DHA - Docosahexaenoic Acid (0.52g), and ALA - Alpha Lipoic Acid (0.187 grams).
When cooked (dry heat), every 100 grams of farm raised Rainbow Trout, provides 1.236 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, derived from EPA (0.334g), DHA (0.82g), and ALA (0.082g).
Foods that are an “excellent source” of a particular nutrient provide 20% or more of the Recommended Daily Value. Foods that are a “good source” of a particular nutrient provide between 10 and 20% of the Recommended Daily Value.
Fish can make a significant contribution toward reducing fat in our diet. Not only is fish low in fat, but it is also a tasty, highly nutritious and wholesome food that can offer an endless variety to menus. It can be a delightful addition to any meal, and is an excellent source of protein and other nutrients. It is also easy to prepare and cooks in minutes rather than hours.
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