Flounder recipes, Grey Sole recipes, Lemon Sole recipes, Fried, Broiled, Grilled, baked, smoked Flounder
Flatfishes (flounders, soles, halibuts) are described as being right-eyed or left-eyed. All flatfish, known as Dab Flounder, Grey Flounder, Lemon Flounder, Rock Flounder, Yellowtail Flounder, Halibut, Fluke, Sole, Dab, Sand Dab, Turbot, Brill, Plaice, start out life looking like normal fish, but after a few weeks, one eye migrates to the other side of their head, their bodies flatten into an oval shape, one side turns dark and one side white, and they settle to the bottom of the sea floor. The meat from a flatfish typically varies in color: fillets from the bottom (white) side of the fish will be thinner and whiter, while fillets from the top (dark) side will be thicker and grayer.
Most of these fish have sweet, delicate white flesh that chefs and consumers everywhere enjoy. The flounder is very low in fat, and has a very fine texture and mild delicate flavor. Flounder is available whole, but more usually as fillets. It can be prepared in any way that respects its fine texture: saut�ed, baked, broiled, poached or steamed.
Flounder/Sole/Plaice recipes:
Flounder, American Plaice

The Flounders and Soles. Families Hippoglossidae, Paralichthyidae, Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, and Achiridae. There are two flounder families: the right-eyed Pleuronectidae family and the left-eyed Bothidae family. The flounder family is large subclass of saltwater fish, made up of many species of fish. In the United States, East Coast varieties include Gray Sole (also called Witch Flounder),
Winter Flounder (also called Blackback or Lemon Sole),
American Plaice (also called Dab or Sand Dab),
Yellowtail Flounder (also called Dab or Rusty Flounder),
Summer Flounder (also called Fluke), and
Southern Flounder. West Coast varieties include Petrale Sole, Sand Sole, English Sole, Rex Sole, Pacific Sand Dab, Dover Sole, and California Flounder. True Dover sole comes from England, and sand sole from France.
Flounder can refer to any member of a species of thin, flat fish that swim on one side both eyes are located on the side that faces up. Size and color vary depending on the species the downward-facing side of the fish is always pale and nearly colorless.
In general, flounder have lean white or off-white flesh that's fine-textured and mild in flavor. The skin is edible, and usually quite tasty. The white flaky meat of the summer flounder is highly rated due to its delicate flavor and texture.
Winter Flounders are highly regarded for their delicious white meat. The
Winter Flounder is the thickest and meatiest of all the flatfishes smaller than the halibut that are common on our coasts eastward and northward from the elbow of Cape Cod. They are sometimes called lemon sole in the U.S. Its texture and delicate flavor are well suited to sauces, spices, fruits, vegetables and other seafoods. Few species can be mixed with so many things and still stand out. Winter flounder can be fried, steamed, baked, microwaved, or broiled and can be substituted for other species in most fish recipes.
Best Cooking:
The flounder provides delightful dining when steamed, poached, baked, broiled, sauteed, fried or microwaved. Large species can be quarter filleted for most recipes or cut into steaks and grilled over charcoal or gas. Whole flounder can be broiled or grilled. You can do almost anything with flounder fillets, which are particularly good seasoned, flour-dredged, and pan-fried. Fillets should be cooked briefly (less than 5 minutes) - be sure not to overcook them, or they'll dry out and fall apart. Once the fillet turns opaque white, it's done.
The secret to successful flounder cookery is to not overcook. Whichever of the following cooking methods you choose, your flounder will be cooked when its flesh becomes opaque but is still moist and is easily pierced with a fork.
How to buy Flounder:
Whole flounder should have red, alive-looking gills and bright, unmarred skin moist and with tightly adhering, shiny scales. Flounder fillets and steaks should glisten and be free of browning and signs of drying. Make sure to smell for freshness. Fresh flounder never smells fishy, and the eyes should appear bright and clear, almost alive. Fresh flounder flesh should still be lightly coated with transparent slime; white slime is a sign the fish is too old.
How to fillet Flounder:
To fillet, insert the blade of a sharp knife on one side behind the head and cut in an arc down to the bone. Then score the flesh along the sides and across the tail. Finally, insert the knife behind the head and slip the knife along rib cage, cutting the fillet away from the ribs. A large flatfish produces two fillets on each side. To skin the fillet, place it skin-side down on a board. Starting from the tail, slide a sharp knife between the skin and the flesh.
Freezing and cold storage:
Fluke should be iced immediately after capture. If they are iced in a large cooler the melt water should be drained occasionally so the fish do not soak in warming water. When well-wrapped, flounder can be frozen for up to 2 months in a refrigerator and for 3 to 4 months in a deep-freeze.
Nutrition Value:
Flounder, 1 fillet (4.5 oz.) (127.35g) (cooked, dry heat) Calories: 148, Protein: 30.7g, Carbohydrate: 0.0g, Total Fat: 1.9g, Fiber:0.0g
Excellent source of: Selenium (74mcg), and Vitamin B12 (3.2mcg). Provide 20% or more of the Recommended Daily Value.
Good source of: Potassium (437mg), and Vitamin B6 (0.30mg). Provide between 10 and 20% of the Recommended Daily Value.
When cooked (dry heat), flounder provides 0.517 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, derived from EPA - Eicosapentaenoic Acid (0.243g) and DHA - Docosahexaenoic Acid (0.258g), and ALA - Alpha Lipoic Acid (0.016g) per 100 grams of flounder.
Substitutes for Flounder:
The members of the flounder family
Summer Flounder (or Fluke),
Winter Flounder,
Southern Flounder,
Dab Flounder, Grey Flounder, Lemon Flounder, Rock Flounder,
Yellowtail Flounder (or Dab or Rusty Flounder), Halibut,
Gray Sole (or Witch Flounder), Turbot, Brill,
American Plaice (or Dab or Sand Dab) are pretty much interchangeable.
Summer Flounder is one of the best of our flatfishes on the table, usually bringing a higher price than any other except the halibut. This is also the gamest of our flatfishes, biting freely on almost any bait, even taking artificial lures at times, while large ones put up a strong resistance when hooked. Known for their quality white meat and solid fight on light tackle, the popularity of the Summer Flounder is aided by the fact that the species can be caught from the back bays to the surf to the offshore lumps, making them accessible to everyone.
The Winter Flounder, whether blackbacks or lemon soles, is the thickest and meatiest of all the flatfishes smaller than the halibut.
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