Striped Bass recipes for Baked Striped Bass, Simmered Striped Bass, Fried Striped Bass, Broiled Striped Bass, Poached Striped Bass, Smoked Striped Bass
Striped bass is a large fish that gets its name from the dark horizontal stripes along its silvery sides. They have been one of America�s most prized fish, because of their striking appearance and succulent, firm, white flesh. They are legendary among sport fishermen for their fighting ability. Striped bass weigh about 10 pounds. They have light-colored, delicate but satisfying flavor, and firm, succulent flesh with a large flake. Hybrid striped bass weigh 1 to 2 pounds with delicate, rather innocuous flavor and moderately firm flesh. Wild striped bass are long and narrow and have straight, uninterrupted stripes; hybrids are smaller and more rounded with broken stripes.
Eating fatty fish, such as snapper, as little as 1 to 3 times per month (10 oz of omega-3-rich fish each week) may protect against ischemic stroke (a stroke caused by lack of blood supply to the brain, a blood clot). Eating snapper that's broiled or baked, but not fried, may reduce risk of heart arrhythmia. A healthy way of eating improves the electrical properties of heart cells, protecting against fatal abnormal heart rhythms. Eating even small amounts of fish may protect against ovarian and digestive tract cancers: leukemia, multiple myeloma, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, may protect against renal cell carcinoma, the most common form of kidney cancer.
Striped Bass recipes:
Striped Bass, Morone saxatilis

The temperate basses, family Moronidae are also called the true basses or by mistake sea basses, includes 6 freshwater and marine species in North America (Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico drainages), Europe and North Africa. This family separated from the sea bass family, Serranidae. The temperate basses are represented by 5 species: The
White Perch,
Yellow Bass,
White Bass,
Striped Bass and hybrid between a white bass and a striped bass. They are medium-sized to large-sized active predators and favorite trophy and sport fishes. Some species live in fresh water and others are anadromous, which means that they spend much of their life in salt or brackish water but return to fresh water to spawn. Only 3 great small sport fishes: White Bass, Yellow Bass and White Perch are found only in fresh water. The Striped Bass, also known as Striper, Rockfish, Greenhead, Squidhound, Linesider, and Roller, is the most popular food and game fish of North America.
Six to eight longitudinal black stripes run across the long, thin body, which is olive-green fading to silver-gray. Most specimens weigh from 2 to 30 lbs., while some exceed 70 lbs and can be up to 6 feet (183 cm) in length. Pinkish-white flesh of firm texture, moderate fat content, and sweet, distinctive flavor. The skin is edible.
Farmed striped bass are hybrids, a cross between striped bass and white bass. They have a striking appearance: bright silver scales, sleek shape, white belly and black, broken lateral lines. Their broken stripes distinguish them from wild striped bass, which have solid stripes. The flesh is mild, firm, fine-grained and the flavor is similar to freshwater bass.
Best Cooking:
Most any style of cooking will suit the striped bass, which is excellent broiled, poached, steamed, pan fried and blackened. Grilling is a popular cooking method using skin-on fillets. Since the flesh is firm, you need not use a grill basket.
Striped Bass Cooking Tips
The general rule is 10 minutes per inch of thickness, at the thickest part of the fillet or steak, at 400� to 450�F. Fish fillets less than 1/2in thick do not have to be turned during cooking. When fish cooked in parchment, sauce or foil, add 5 additional minutes to the total cooking time. The cooking time for frozen fish should be doubled. It is better to thaw fish prior to cooking. All fish should be thoroughly cooked. Hybrid striped bass is cooked when its meat flakes easily with a fork at the thickest part, and loses its translucent or raw appearance. Always oil the grill to prevent fish from sticking.
Buying and Storing Tips:
When purchasing whole Striped Bass, look for a shiny surface with tightly adhering scales and gills that are deep red or pink. Also watch for a clean, shiny belly cavity with no cuts and a mild aroma, similar to the ocean. Fresh steaks, fillets and loins should have a translucent look and flesh that is firm and not separating. There should be no discoloration and proper packaging that keeps the fish from being bent in an unnatural position. The flesh of the Striped Bass fillets should gleam and have minimal gaping. Smell is a good indicator of freshness.
Whole fresh hybrid striped bass should have bright, clear and shiny eyes. Scales should be shiny and cling tightly to the skin, gills must be deep red or pink. Flesh of the hybrid striped bass fillets should be firm and not separating, fresh sea breeze smell and no dis�coloration.
When storing all types of seafood, including Striped Bass, it is important to keep it cold since fish is very sensitive to temperature. The best is to place well wrapped Striped Bass in a baking dish filled with ice on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, which is its coolest area. Replenish ice one or two times per day. Fresh whole Striped Bass should be buried in ice, while fillets should be placed on top of the ice. Store fresh Striped Bass in the refrigerator at 32-38�F and use it within 2 days, or freeze in water in an air-tight bag or container and use within 6 months. Thaw in the refrigerator or under cold running water. Always marinate seafood in the refrigerator.
How to clean a Striped Bass:
Scale the fish if you plan on keeping the skin on. Staring at the tail, run the dull side of your knife backwards along the fish. Scraping the fish in short strokes, taking care to remove all the scales. If you plan on removing the skin, scaling isn�t necessary. Wash the scales away with cold water. Slice open the fish from its gill juncture to its rectum, maintaining the incision the entire way. The gill juncture is located at the top of its throat, in front of the dorsal fin. Clean the entire cavity - completely remove the fish's organs--heart, lungs, intestines and stomach. Wash out any remaining blood or tissue.
How to Fillet a Striped Bass:
Scale the fish if you plan on keeping the skin on. Staring at the tail, run the dull side of your knife backwards along the fish. Scraping the fish in short strokes, taking care to remove all the scales. If you plan on removing the skin, scaling isn�t necessary. Cut the fish behind the gills down to the backbone. Hold the knife towards the head at an angle to keep the most meat on the fillet. Slide your knife down along the fish�s spine all the way to the tail. Take care to keep the knife as close to the backbone as possible to not waste any of the meat. Lay the fillet skin side down on the table. To remove the skin, slide your knife between the meat and skin and work your knife back and forth until you reach the end of the fillet. Place your knife under the ribs attached to the fillet. Cut the ribs off by sliding your knife under them and cutting them out from top to bottom. Use pliers to remove any remaining rib bones. Rinse the fillets with clean water to remove any debris. Place them in a freezer bag and freeze if you will be storing them, or cook them immediately to get the most from the freshly filleted Striped Bass.
Nutrition Value:
Striped bass is a good source of vitamins, minerals, folate and dietary fiber, as well as low-fat protein, selenium and carbs. Nutritional values for approximately 4 ounces (100 grams) of raw, edible portions: Calories 97, Calories From Fat 25, Total Fat 2.33 g, Saturated Fat 0.5 g, Cholesterol 80 mg, Sodium 69 mg, Total Carbohydrates 0 g, Protein 18 g, Omega-3 0.76 g.
Substitutes for Striped Bass:
Red Grouper, Swordfish, Tilefish, Blackfish, rockfish,
Sea Bass,
Red Snapper.
The omega-3 fatty acids found in Striped Bass help prevent erratic heart rhythms. These fatty acids in fish also make blood less likely to clot inside arteries (which are the ultimate cause of most heart attacks and strokes). Omega-3s improve the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol and play a role in preventing cholesterol from clogging arteries.
Vitamin B6 is essential for the body's processing of carbohydrate (sugar and starch), especially the breakdown of glycogen, the form in which sugar is stored in muscle cells and to a lesser extent in our liver. Along with vitamin B12, vitamin B6 plays a pivotal role as a methyl donor in the basic cellular process of methylation. Also vitamin B12 plays an essential role in the production of red blood cells and prevention of anemia, is also needed for nerve cells to develop properly, and helps cells metabolize protein, carbohydrate, and fat.
Selenium is needed for the proper function of the antioxidant system, which works to reduce the levels of damaging free radicals in the body. Selenium is a necessary cofactor of one of the body's most important internally produced antioxidants, glutathione peroxidase, and also works with vitamin E in numerous vital antioxidant systems throughout the body. Selenium is involved in DNA repair, one of its potential ways in which it may afford protection against cancer. Additionally, selenium has been found to be associated with decreased asthma and arthritis symptoms and in the prevention of heart disease.
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